

  • M. Perazzi, Art Exhibitions, in “Corriere della Sera”, Milan, December 7.
  • R. Sanesi, Carlo Battaglia, in “The Drama”, Turin, December.
  • F. Schultze, Dr. Kitschlove and other romances, in “Chicago Daily News”, February 7.
  • F. Schultze, Carlo Battaglia, in “Art International Magazine”, Lugano, vol. XV/5, May, p. 58.
  • C. Blotkamp, De Biennale in Venitie; Light Herstel, in “Vry”, Nederland, August 22, Milan, nn. 30-33 June-September, pp. 68-72.
  • EL Francalanci, Milan and Venice, “Art International Magazine”, Lugano, vol. XV / 6, Summer, p. 121.
  • L. Inga-Pin, Carlo Battaglia in “Gala”, Milan, n. 42 January, p. 63.
  • L. Lambertini, Art Exhibitions, in “Unione Sarda”, Cagliari, June.
  • M. Mendes, catalog XXXV International Venice Biennale of Art.
  • L. Mattei, La Biennale of renewal, in “The Review”, Rome, n. 9, September, p. 57.
  • F. Passoni, Art Exhibitions, in “Avanti”, Milan, April.
  • M. Perazzi, Art Exhibitions, in “Corriere della Sera”, Milan, April 19.
  • T. Trini, Carlo Battaglia, until the light replaces the color, “Metro”, Venice, nn. 16-17.
  • T. Trini, Shows in Turin, in “Domus”, Milan, n. 486, p. 49.
  • T. Trini, Against the pain for the Biennale – Painting: Color-Rubber and Color-Light, in “Domus”, Milan, n. 487, June, pp. 53-54.
  • L. Tundo, Seven Italians at the XXXV Biennale of Venice, in “Art and Poetry”, n. 8, Rome, from April to June.
  • M. Volpi Orlandini, Carlo Battaglia, in “The Arts”, nn. 5-6, June


  • R. Glaubner, Field color beyond Chicago appreciation, in “Chicago Daily News”, Chicago, January.
  • H. Haydon, Four First for Chicago, action city, in “Chicago Sun Times”, January 29.
  • L. Lambertini, Sentimental journey into childhood memory, in “Unione Sarda”, Cagliari, July 11.
  • A. Minucci, Battaglia’s paintings, in “La Stampa”, Turin, December 5.


  • EB, Wogende Farben, in the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”, Frankfurt, June 12.
  • G. Contessi, exhibition catalog “For pure painting”, Centro La Cappella, Trieste.
  • G. Druids, The Painting as landscape, in “Date” n. 4, Milan, pp. 22-27.
  • DH, Rosengluck und Wiesengluck, in “Neue Presse”, Frankfurt, June 24.
  • L. Lambertini, personal exhibition catalog, Peccolo Gallery, Livorno.
  • L. Lambertini, Segnalati Bolaffi 1972, in “Catalog Bolaffi”, Turin.
  • I.M., For pure painting, in “Il Piccolo”, Trieste, April 15.
  • L. Mattei, La Biennale di Mezzo, Privitera Editore, Rome.
  • C. Spatz, Neues in Westend, in the “Frankfurter Rundschau”, Frankfurt, June 24.
  • M. Venturoli, in the exhibition catalog Premio Michetti, Francavilla a Mare.
  • M. Volpi Orlandini, in the catalog of the personal exhibition, Editalia Gallery, Rome.


  • G. Ball, Charles Battaglia: visionary ambiguity in “Art Milano”, n. 1, year II, Milan, p. 16.
  • G. Contessi, Painting as a project, “NAC”, n. 4, Milan, April, p. 11.
  • G. Cortenova, exhibition catalog I do not represent anything I paint, Studio La Città, Verona.
  • M. Fagiolo, exhibition catalog, I do not represent anything I paint, Studio La Città, Verona.
  • M. Fagiolo, Painting painting, “Capitolium”, nos. 4-5, April-May.
  • V. Fagone, Repetition or growth ?, in “NAC”, n. 4, Milan, April, p. 10.
  • V. Fagone, in the exhibition catalog Making painting, Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa.
  • L. Lambertini, collective exhibition catalog Times of perception, the House of Culture, Livorno.
  • F. Menna, For an analytical line on Modern Art, in the catalog of the exhibition The reflection on painting, Town Hall, Acireale, September 29.
  • I. Mussa, Color-canvas-brush-painting, in the catalog of the exhibition Reflection on painting, Town Hall, Acireale, September 29.
  • R. Peccolo, catalog of the collective exhibition of Times of perception, the House of Culture, Livorno, April 28th.
  • A. Passoni in the exhibition catalog Making painting, Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa, Vicenza.
  • R. Sanesi, Le salon Annunciata, in “Opus International” n. 42, Parigi, March, p. 29.
  • T. Trini, The picture of painting, in the catalog of the collective exhibition The reflection on painting, Acireale Town Hall, September 29.
  • L. Vinca Masini, in the catalog of the collective exhibition Times of perception, the House of Culture, Livorno, April 28th.
  • How why painting, interview, cfr. “Date”, Milan, Year III, n. 7-8, summer.


  • T. Trini, Carlo Battaglia, Data edition, Milan.
  • F. Menna, in “Opus International”, n. 52, Paris, September.
  • R. Sanesi, Details for Carlo Battaglia, in the catalog of his personal exhibition, Palazzo Grassi, Venice.
  • P. Marinotti, Carlo Battaglia: from Lepanto to Maddalena, in the catalog of his personal exhibition, Palazzo Grassi, Venice.
  • G. Cortenova, catalog Times of perception, Krefeld, January 25.
  • G. C. Argan, “L’Espresso” 13 October, n. 41.
  • T. Trini, On Rothko’s clue, “Corriere della Sera”, November 3.
  • M. Fagiolo, Punto a capo per la pittura, in exhibition catalog, Galleria Bottello, Turin, November.
  • G. Contessi, Carlo Battaglia at Palazzo Grassi, in “NAC”, 12 December.
  • V. Fagone,The practice of painting, in “Il Cristallo”, n.1, Bolzano.
  • M. Volpi Orlandini, Glossary, for “Opus International”, from November to December, no. 53, Paris.
  • I. Mussa, The painting of Carlo Battaglia, in “Capitolium”, Rome, n. 12 December.
  • B. Radice, “Data”, n. 14, p. 85.


  • Janus, Philatelic Chronicle, no. 5, Turin, January.
  • V. Fagone, catalog Always thinking new things , ICC Antwrpen.
  • G. Cortenova, Empirica catalog, Rimini.
  • M. Fagiolo, What I paint, in “Bolaffi Art”, n. 50 and “Art Press” n. 21.
  • C. Millet, in the exhibition catalog Contrexte, Galerie Rencontres, Paris, April.
  • C. Millet, in the exhibition catalog Analytic Malerei, Dusseldorf.
  • M. Volpi Orlandini, in the exhibition catalog The painted surface, Florence, Michaud Gallery.
  • P. Schneider, “L’Express”, 24-30 November, Paris.
  • Vian, New Horizons of Carlo Battaglia in “Corriere mercantile”, November 28, Genoa.
  • G. Beringhelli, A good piece of painting, in “The work”, December 2, Genoa.


  • V. Schade, Kan Stadig Forarges VI, in “Berlinske Aften”, February 20th.
  • F. Pluchart, Une penseé peinte, in “Info Artitudes”, January.
  • G. Cortenova, Color management, in the exhibition catalog, Arco d’Alibert Gallery , Rome, April.
  • T. Trini, Daily Science, in the exhibition catalog Chronicle, Modena.
  • T. Trini, Chronicle, in “Corriere della Sera”, Milan, March 22.
  • A.C. Quintavalle, Momento speculare, in “Tempo”, n. April 14.
  • A.C. Quintavalle, Specular Moment, catalog “Art Expo”, Bari.
  • Carlo Battaglia in “Artitude International”, nn. 30-32.
  • I. Mussa, catalog The colors of painting, Rome, July.
  • F. Menna, I paint therefore I am, in “Corriere della Sera”, Milan, September 5.
  • M. Fagiolo, Discolored, in “Il Messaggero”, September 10.
  • M. Torrente, Signs and colors painting triumph, in “The Day” Milan, 22 September.
  • D. Quérel, in “This week in Rome”, September 3, Rome.
  • F. Vincitorio, in “L’Espresso”, July 11.
  • L. Trucchi, The colors of painting, in “Momento sera” April 14.
  • S. Orienti, Colore semplice, in “Il popolo”, July 20.
  • V. Apuleo, in “La Voce Repubblicana”, August 1.
  • S. Giannattasio, in “L’Avanti”, August 3.
  • A. C. Quintavalle, in “Shown time”, Milan, September 12.
  • V. Fagone, Il quadro di Carlo Battaglia, in “Data”, n. 22 July-September


  • F. Minervino, in “Corriere della Sera”, February 20.
  • F. Vincitorio, in “L’Espresso”, n. 14, April 10.
  • L. Trucchi, in “Momento sera”, April 13..
  • D. Micacchi, La costruita luce di Carlo Battaglia, in “L’Unità” April 5.
  • M. Fagiolo, Meeting with the painter Carlo Battaglia, in “Il Messaggero” April 18.
  • C. Cassius, About this painting, Mantra Gallery catalog, Turin, April.
  • G. Cortenova, Martha and Mary, in the catalog of the exhibition at the Spagnoli Gallery, Florence.
  • V. Schade, Battaglias hav., Weekendavisen Berlugsks Aften, September 23.
  • P. G. Castagnoli, in “La Repubblica”, December 12.


  • F. Menna, New painting, “The Modern Art”, Fabbri Editor.
  • I. Mussa, in “La Voce Repubblicana”, January 24.
  • M. Di Puolo, in “Il Messaggero”, February 21.
  • F. Vincitorio, in “L’Espresso”, March 5, n. 9 year XXIV.
  • G. Drudi, in “Flash Art”, n. 80-81, April.
  • F. Menna, in the exhibition catalog, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf June.
  • HH, in “Verberter Zeitung”, Düsseldorf, June 10.
  • A. Haase, in “Rhenische Post”, Düsseldorf, June 15.
  • B. Kolgen, in “NRZ”, Düsseldorf, June 23.
  • H. Meister, in “WZ”, Düsseldorf, June 26.
  • N. Mura, in “Gazzetta del lunedì”, Genoa, November 20.
  • G. Arato, in “Secolo XIX”, Genoa, November 25.
  • G. Beringhelli, in “Il Lavoro”, Genoa, November.


  • G. Berighelli, in “La Nazione”, April 30.
  • M. Vescovo, in “Art dimension”, n. 18 April-June.
  • M. Fagiolo, catalog presentation, the Municipal Hall of Contemporary Art, Alexandria, December.
  • A.C. Quintavalle, in “Panorama”, nn. 714-715, December 31.
  • M. Vescovo, Between nature and writing, in “Il Piccolo”, Alexandria 15 December.


  • D. Molinari, Carlo Battaglia, The docile seas, “G.I. Seven” Alexandria, January 8.
  • L. Carluccio, in “Gazzetta del Popolo”, Turin, January 10.
  • D. Ashton, exhibition catalog, Sergio Tosi Gallery New York, February.
  • J. Russell, in “New York Times”, February 15th.
  • N.E., in “Art World”, March 15.
  • E. Bilardello, in “Corriere della Sera”, Roman edition, March 13.
  • V. Apuleo, in “Il Messaggero”, Rome, 15 March.
  • F. Gualdoni, in “Il Giorno”, Milan, March 19.


  • Dadamaino, in “Flash Art”, February.
  • M. Vescovo, Abnormal Abnormalities of art from 1968 to 1981, Sergio Velloni Editore, Modena.
  • H. Martin, in “Art News”, February.


  • M. Wikes-Joyce, Italian Hodgepodge, in the “International Herald Tribune”, 30-31 October.
  • L. Cabutti, In London the blue wave, in “Art”, Mondadori, October, pp. 63-71.
  • Sea and marine, exhibition catalog, Castello Aragonese Taranto.
  • Italian Art 1960-1982, exhibition catalog, Hayward Gallery, London, Electa International.


  • Opera Aperta, exhibition catalog, Plastic Arts Center Udine.
  • M. Gendel, Reflections on a painted ocean, exhibition catalog, L’Isola Gallery, Rome.
  • A.C. Quintavalle, in “Panorama”, n. 896, June 20, p. 25.
  • E. Bilardello, in “Corriere della Sera”, Roman edition, June 13.
  • V. Apuleo, Carlo Battaglia, The metric of the sea, in “Il Messaggero” Rome, June 7.
  • J. Ravenna, in “Il Giornale dell’Arte”, n. 2 June.
  • P. M., in “Panorama Mensile”, n. 10, year 2, June, p. 193.
  • L. Serravalli, Abstract Ocean of Carlo Battaglia, in “Adige” Trento, 20 March.
  • M. Bizzarri, Carlo Battaglia in Bolzano, in “Alto Adige” 6 April.
  • W. Guadagnini, in “Tandem”, Bolzano, 18 April.
  • L. Lambertini, Battaglia plays with waves, in “Il Giornale Nuovo”, Rome, 24 June.
  • D. Micacchi, Carlo Battaglia: The light and the motion of the sea, “L’Unità”, Rome, 26 June.
  • B. Tosi, interview with Carlo Battaglia, in “Flash Art”, n. 115, summer, p. 36-37-38.
  • I. Mussa, in “Flash Art”, n. 115, summer, p. 48.


  • M. Magnani, The old illusion of the painted bunch, in “La Nuova Sardegna”, 28 April.
  • “The Sciences”, New York, March/April, p. 27.
  • Carlo Battaglia, Tip. Art of printing, Rome.
  • A. Monferini, Exhibitions, in “L’Espresso”, Rome, 1 December.
  • J. Turner, Prime elements and colours, in “International Courier”, Rome, 3 December, pp.10-11.
  • V. Apuleo, Carlo Battaglia – Unreal real, in “Il Messaggero” Rome, 10 December, p. 9.
  • E. Pouchard, Surface and structures, invention and myth, in “L’Umanità”, Rome, 12 December, p. 3.
  • F. Menna, Talking painting with sperimental accuracy, in “Paese Sera”, Rome, 16 December, p. 20.


  • C. Cerritelli, The body of painting, Critics and new painter in Italy 1972-1976, Martano Editore, Turin.
  • “Flash Art”, n. 131, March, p. 46.
  • “Terz’Occhio”, Bologna, March, p. 58.
  • G. Vianello, presentation in catalogue, Civic Museum of Contemporary Art, Gibellina.
  • A. Imponente, in catalogue of the exhibition Sixth Triennale – India, Lalit Kala Akademi, New Dehli.
  • Catalogue of the National Exhibition of Painting “Città di Monza”.
  • Catalogue of Landscape with no territory, Mesola, Castello Estense.
  • L. Oddo, In the secret rhythm of the universe, in “L’Ora”, 2 October.
  • Tuttolibri, insert in “La Stampa”, Turin, 11 October.
  • “La Provincia”, Como, 24 October.
  • G. Ballo, Looking at the sea with different eyes, in “Corriere della Sera”, Milan, 12 November, p. 18.
  • A. B. Del Guercio (curated by), Italian Contemprary Abstraction, in catalogue of the XXIV Biennal of Visual Arts, City of Alatri.
  • F. Squatriti, Different meanings of colour, in the XLII Venice Biennial Catalogue.


  • P. Serra Zanetti (curated by), The structure of gesture, in catalogue of the exhibition, Sala 1, Rome, February – March.
  • G. Verzotti, in “Flash Art”, n. 136, December-January.
  • The sign of movement, in “Il Secolo XIX”, Genoa, 21 February p. 12.
  • G. Beringheli, Forms and colours – The sentiment of landscape in “Il Lavoro”, Genoa, 21 February.
  • G. Di Genova, in catalogue of the Mélanos exhibition, Anna D’Ascanio Gallery, Rome.
  • R. Smolders, Italiaanse beeldende kunst in Nouvelles Images valt tegen, in “NRC”, Den Haag, July-August.
  • Italian Art, in catalogue of the exhibition, Galerie Nouvelles Images, Den Haag, July-August.
  • G. Dorfles, in catalogue of the exhibition, Sardinia out of Sardinia, Cultural and Social Center of Sardinians, Milan and Orzieri.


  • Astratta – Abstract secessions in Italy from postwar to 1990, in catalogue of the exhibition, Verona Modern Art Gallery, 23 January – 15 March.
  • M. Magnani, If Sardinia goes for a walk in the world, in “La Nuova Sardegna”, 19 January.
  • M. Apa, The active contemplation in the work of Carlo Battaglia, in catalogue of the Carlo Battaglia exhibition, L’Isola Gallery, Rome, May.
  • D. Micacchi, The nature inside and outside of us, in “L’Unità” Rome, 16 June.
  • L. Mango, in “Paese Sera”, Rome, 14 June.
  • E. Bilardello, Exhibitions, in “Corriere della Sera”, Milan, 11 July.
  • L. Cherubini, in “Flash Art”, n. 145, summer, p. 199.
  • M. Venturoli, Sea & Sea, in catalogue of the International Biennial of the Sea, Naples, June.
  • Galleristi a Palazzo, in catalogue of the exhibition, Ausoni Center of Culture, Rome, July.
  • F. Menna (curated by), Mediterranea – The sea, the places, myths and decorations in today Italian art, Electa, Milan.
  • G. Altea, The 6 knights of the diaspora, the Island effect and the genius loci, Icknusa.


  • A. G. Artner, Water, but little else, links two exhibitions, in “Chicago Tribune”, 31 March.
  • F. Zeri, in catalogue of the Carlo Battaglia exhibition, Trimarchi Gallery, Bologna, April-May.
  • D. Bellotti, in catalogue of the Carlo Battaglia exhibition, Trimarchi Gallery, Bologna, April-May.
  • S. Evangelisti, Parallel Code, in “Il Resto del Carlino” Bologna, 6 May.
  • F. Tedeschi, Carlo Battaglia, the poet of the sea and the wind at the Trimarchi Gallery, Bologna, in “ContemporArt”, n. 17 Modena, May, pp. 14-15.
  • Catalogue of the XXXI National Biennial City of Milan.
  • Isola, Isole, XXIX National Exhibition of Painting Life and landscape of Capo d’Orlando, Capo d’Orlando [20 August – 3 September].
  • M. Apa (curated by), Presences amongst premises and trends in modernity, in catalogue of the Avezzano City Prize.


  • M. Bentivoglio (curated by), Il librismo 1986-1990, in catalogue of the exhibition, Autonomous Region of Sardinia, Cagliari.


  • G. P. Vincenzo, presentation of the catalogue Carlo Battaglia L’Isola Gallery, Rome.
  • M. Lupo, presentation of the catalogue Carlo Battaglia, Paola Stelzer Gallery, Trento.
  • F. Zeri, in catalogue of the exhibition, Paola Stelzer Gallery, Trento.


  • AA.VV., Painting in Italy – The Twentieth Century, vol. II, Turin Electa.


  • A. Frau, The Study of the Archipelago, in catalogue published by Municipal Administration of La Maddalena.
  • G. May, The Study of the Archipelago, in catalogue published by Municipal Administration of La Maddalena.
  • G. Bonu, The Study of the Archipelago, in catalogue published by Municipal Administration of La Maddalena.
  • E. Orti, The Study of the Archipelago, in catalogue published by Municipal Administration of La Maddalena.


  • F. Gualdoni, Art in Italy 1943-1999, Neri-Pozza ed.
  • G. Di Genova, Generation ’30s, Edizioni Bora, Bologna.


  • F. Gualdoni, Carlo Battaglia, Edizioni De Luca, Rome.


  • M. Meneguzzo, Analytical Painting – An Historical Recognition. Italy 1966-1978, in catalogue of the exhibition, Angelo Bozzola Museum, Castello Visconteo Sforzesco, Galliate [5 October – 2 November 2003], Edizioni Galleria Fumagalli Bergamo.


  • V. W. Feierabend, E. Weiss, K. Wolbert (curated by), A century of Italian art. The look of the art collector. Works from the VAF Foundation, in catalogue of the exhibition, Rovereto Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art [2 July – 20 November], Skira, Milan.


  • Carlo Battaglia, catalogue of the exhibition, Italian Institute of Culture, Los Angeles [from 30 January].
  • San Francisco Italian Institute; Italian Institute of Culture, Vancouver [19 May – 16 June], Graphic Arts La Moderna, Rome.
  • Two extraordinary events at the Italian Institute of Culture in Los Angeles, “itinerant exhibition of Carlo Battaglia”, in “L’Italo-Americano”, Thursday 26 January, 2006, p. 6.


  • V. W. Feierabend, M. Meneguzzo, Analytical painting, volume presented during the exhibition Pittura analitica.
  • The Italian itineraries 1970-1980, Museo della Permanente Milan, 29 November 2007 – 6 January 2008], series of the VAF Foundation (vol. 6), Silvana Editoriale, Cinisello Balsamo.


  • C. Cerritelli (curated by), Aniconic Italian painting (1968-2007). Itineraries between art and critic, in catalogue of the exhibition, Casa del Mantegna, Mantova [1 March – 6 April] Ed. Mazzotta, Milan.
  • B. Drudi, Tribute to Toti Scialoja, in catalogue of the exhibition, Il Segno Gallery, Rome.
  • S. Raimondi (curated by), Arte 70: Italian Analytical painting, in catalogue of the exhibition [Collateral Event IV Edition Bergamo Arte Fiera, Bergamo, 11-14 January], BAF, Bergamo.


  • V. Bruschi, S. Lupo, S. Troisi, R. Quaglia, Sicily 1968/2008.
  • The spirit of time, in catalogue of the exhibition, Riso Museum of Contemporary Art of Sicily Palazzo Belmonte Riso, Palermo [20 February – 31 May], Silvana Editoriale, Cinisello Balsamo.
  • A. Rigoni, The opaque surfaces of analytic painting, in catalogue of the collective exhibition, Zappettini Foundation, Chiavari [21 February – 27 March], Zappettini Foundation for contemporary art, Chiavari-Milan.
  • F. Sborgi, S. Solimano, Thinking painting. An international line of research in the ’70s, in catalogue of the collective exhibition, Villa Croce Museum of Contemporary Art, Genoa [17 April – 11 October], with texts by Giorgio Bonomi Claudio Cerritelli, Marco Meneguzzo, Alberto Rigoni, Franco Sborgi, Silvana Editoriale, Cinisello Balsamo.


  • M. Meneguzzo, Lives of a gallerist. Nino Soldano, in catalogue of the collective exhibition, Fabbriche Chiaramontane Modern Art, Agrigento [17 September – 13 November ], Silvana Editoriale, Cinisello Balsamo.


    The General Catalog of Carlo Battaglia (1933-2005) is a fundamental tool for the knowledge of one of the most significant Italian artists, and most present on the Italian cultural scene starting from those seventies of the twentieth century, which saw him as one of the leading artists of the so-called “Analytical Painting”, or “Painting Painting”, from which he also ideally distances himself to claim a sort of creative solitude that lasted another twenty-five years, in which the repetitive obsession of the sea, taken as the sole subject of his being a painter , it is at the same time start and result, cause and end product. Curated by Marco Meneguzzo and Simone Pallotta for the Carlo Battaglia Foundation, the catalog collects about four hundred of the major works – including canvases and large papers -, amply illustrated and accompanied by complete critical apparatus, which also include the reprint of all the most significant written works of the artist, as well as an exhaustive historical critical essay by Marco Meneguzzo.

    Available at the Carlo Battaglia Foundation in:

    Via San Vittore al Teatro 3 

    20123 Milano Italy
    TEL. 02 876946


    Via San Vittore al Teatro 3 

    20123 Milano Italy
    TEL. 02 876946